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Academic Dishonesty In The Media

Legal Doomsday For Generative AI ChatGPT If Caught Plagiarizing Or Infringing, Warns AI Ethics And AI Law Two professors who say they caught students cheating on essays with ChatGPT explain why AI plagiarism can be hard to prove ‘Plagiarism’ Common in Brief-Writing,...

Common Academic Offences and Penalties

Students are often surprised to learn that a minor infringement, such as utilizing an incorrect citation, is sufficient to constitute an academic offence. The harsh reality many face is that something as small as using the wrong last name in a citation can create...

Appealing Penalties for Academic Dishonesty Offences

Appealing penalties for academic dishonesty offences is a difficult, uphill battle. In most cases, appeals are only allowed under certain circumstances. These are two of the most common reasons for appealing a penalty for academic dishonesty. Appeal the finding of...

Common Penalties for Academic Dishonesty Offences

Students often ask: "what is the most common penalty for an academic dishonesty offence?" Although the question is simple, the answer relies on a number of contextual factors. Every university and college deals with these cases differently, and the severity of the...

Contact Email

Thank you for contacting us!Thank you for contacting Academic Law. My name is Adam Goodman. I have been practicing law since 2008 where, in addition to running a criminal practice, I have become one of the leading lawyers in...

Myths About the Exploratory Meeting

The majority of universities in Canada will begin the process of addressing an academic integrity violation with an exploratory meeting.  Although a student may or may not have spoken with the Professor or course instructor bringing the allegation the exploratory...

COVID-19 and Academic Integrity

Soon after I began practicing law I developed a niche practice area assisting students in academic disputes.  It was always an interest but could never develop into a primary practice area as there just wasn't enough work.  Since the onset of COVID-19, however, I have...