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Students often ask: “what is the most common penalty for an academic dishonesty offence?

Although the question is simple, the answer relies on a number of contextual factors. Every university and college deals with these cases differently, and the severity of the offence, your particular academic program, and other distinct factors, are all considered when determining appropriate punishments. In short: it depends.

For most institutions, your first academic dishonesty offence could result in a penalty of 0% on the assignment or exam, along with other remedial measures.  However, depending on the severity of the offence, you might also receive a grade of F in the course or more negative sanctions.

Penalties for a second academic dishonesty offence will almost always be more severe. Depending on the nature of your actions, common punishments could include a grade of F in the course, a permanent notation on your transcript, or a recommendation that you be suspended from the program for a certain amount of time. Extraordinary penalties for the most severe cases can result in expulsion.

Every academic institution relies on its own unique penal system to determine the appropriate offence in an academic dishonesty case. However, the right strategy can ensure your punishment is mitigated. Every case is contextual, and attaining the desired result is fact-specific. Retaining a lawyer to advise you about your unique situation is always advised.

If you find yourself in the midst of an academic dishonesty case, consider booking a 1-on-1 consultation with us to discuss your specific situation and a strategy to attain the best result possible.

Click here to start the booking process, and meet with an academic dishonesty lawyer today.